This park is open to all from dawn to dusk, free of charge. People using this park do so at their own risk, must promptly clean up after their dogs, and agree to observe these rules. Persons who violate these rules are subject to removal from the park and/or suspension.
1. Dogs must be leashed when outside the fences.
2. Children must be as tall as the top of the gates to enter the dog park.
3. All children under the age of 16 must be supervised by a responsible adult.
4. Owners must be in control of their dogs and remove them at the first sign of aggression.
If your dog is annoying or provoking other dogs or persons, you and your dog must leave the park.
5. Owners must promptly clean up after their dogs.
6. There is a limit of three (3) dogs per person.
7. The small dog area is reserved for dogs weighing 30 pounds or less. Small dogs are also welcome
in the large dog area at the owners risk.
8. The quiet area is reserved for dogs of any size who are timid, older, infirm, or injured.
9. Puppies under four (4) months old are not permitted in the park for their safety and health.
10. Dogs must display their current rabies vaccination and applicable license tags on their collars.
11. Male dogs must be neutered by 18 months of age and female dogs are not allowed in the park while in heat.
12. No tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or vaping. No people food or pet food, glass containers, or dog treats in the park.
13. Balls and frisbees for retrieving may be brought into the park at the owner’s risk.
No other dog or children’s toys are allowed. No running by adults or children.
14. If your dog digs a hole, you must fill it in using the shovels and rakes available throughout the park.